You're The Hero, We're The Guide

We have a baseline belief as a company we are not the hero in the story, YOU ARE! You are the one that has to puts in the work and you are the one that will see the rewards, we just want to help you get there. We have formed this belief by building business cultures and studing leading companies and this thought process directly correlates to guiding your athletic department.

We also believe that high school sports are the best and most accessible character building environments for students. That is why we want to support athletic departments with development stratgies, proven processes, and technological solutions so they can in turn develop their student athletes.

Founding Exceeding Sports was driven by the belief that ideas we learn from great Businesses and Startups can revolutionize high school athletic departments. There is numerous courses and speakers that target coaches about a wide range of ideas but the over all athletic department is mostly left behind.

At Exceeding Sports, we provide a prospective that has brought great growth in the private sector, but rarely gets implemented in athletic departments. We have extensive experence and a passion that drives us to help grow athletic departments. Let us guide your program with proven stratgies to grow your program into the powerhouse you envision.

Our Team Works For Your Team

We have years of exerence in building culture, processes and growing businesses. We see a direct link between the experance we have in the business world and how it can be utilized in athletic departments.

Favorite Quote

"If you want to learn lifelong lessons, there's no better teacher than a lifelong student." - Michael Lombardi

What's Our Why

Most athletic departments have become bogged down with administrative work that they lose sight of building champions. We want to help flip that, where you start working on the program and not in the program.

And, we want to be a company that looks like a mix of our business heros: Dave Ramsey, Simon Sinek, Donald Miller and Dale Partridge with the energy of Gary Vaynerchuk.

Our Core Standards

We have 4 cornerstones that anchor us in what we believe and are what all of our decisions are based on.

Serving People Is Our Business

We do not sell products or applications. We help solve people’s problems. We serve them because they matter to us.

Our Customers Make Us Special

Who we work with are the heroes of the stories we are writing, we are merely the guides. We work with them to make an impact in others lives and they are what makes us special.

Our People Are On Our Bus

We are going to one destination and our people want to go there two. We are all moving in one direction as one with one another.

We Grow Our People So They Grow Our Company

We are lifetime learners, and because of that we believe we can grow our company by growing our people.

Compete In The Details

We will be competing in an arena that can be very muddied. We want to battle in all details.

Value Comes From Everyone and Everywhere

As a company we add value in anything and everything we do. We want to be special in all things we do.

Work For The Lord Not Humans

We are a Christian company and because of that we work for a higher calling. We will be held to a higher standard and hold ourselves to a higher standard.

No One Is Alone

We are one team, no one stands alone. Everyone has back-up in their decisions and once a decision is made it has everyone's support.

Team Values Are Key

We are a team and the values of teams are key. All for one and one for all, we may differ but once a decision is made we are all in, no gossip, and when we win the team wins.

We Will Never Be Wrong If We Are Authentic or Transparent

By being open, honest, authentic and transparent we can be us. And by being us we are able to connect with each other and our clients.

Build Loyalty by Being Us

We have a personality and have fun. We are passionate and work hard at those passions. Because of that we hope to build connections with each other.

Generosity Is Our Default

Our mindset is set to be generous. We make this decision not when it is easy or or needed, but when it is hard and unexpected. We have been given so much and we know it is not ours to hold onto.

We're here to help, get in touch with us

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